I was torn whether to mark down to 4* because the white back shows through a bit when stretched and even seemed to leave a slightly faded effect across where they had wrinkled in sitting. Then I realised I’d also bought the mandala joggers and now just ordered another 3 - where the lighter more patterned colours will take care of this slight problem - so 5* it is!
I have lipoedema. It affects 10% of UK women, but is not as well known as it should be. Abnormal fat collects progressively from waist down - no matter what your top half is doing, or how much weight you manage to lose up there! The lippy fat is very resistant to diet and exercise. It leaves lumps too. My knees are not great. I am so self conscious I have literally not worn trousers since my teens. This yr I ventured into wide leg trousers. Your joggers are the 1st narrower leg trousers I have tried and liked. I sized up to L, for less cling at knees. The plain joggers showed a bit more outline than I liked, but the patterns! Oh, they camouflage everything so well! A bit like the ships they painted dazzle patterns on to hide them in the war. Great for disguising large and bulky objects..🤦♀️😂 I’m made up - really. They are also soft, warm and supremely comfortable. I tend to remove pockets, but these lie so flat and fine I didn’t need to. I have since shortened them by removing cuff as they hang better. (I’m only 5’2”)
Talking of camouflage, yes, I ordered the catouflage! I think I’m becoming addicted…
Specifically for dragon fantasia, they seem able to go with pretty much every colour you pull out of your wardrobe, so I made them work hard with pink!